Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Issues

As for the first ward, one of the most important issues seems to be that of representation. Many people, including myself, haven't exactly been happy with how Ron VanFossen seemed to completely ignore the issues of the first ward.
The question that I want to bring up is simply this: What issues are most important for the first ward? I realize that I could simply give my opinions on this topic, but the purpose of this blog is to allow everyone to be heard, not just me. I ask that if you have an opinion, please share it by adding a comment.

Monday, May 14, 2007


I am a concerned citizen of the first ward and as with most of you, I have stood back as our ward has been left behind by our alderman. If you're looking at this blog then chances are you have a strong interest in the leadership of the first ward as well. If you want the chance to voice your opinions then you've come to the right place. We will allow every voice to be heard and I'll do my best to keep up with all of the issues flying around in the first ward.